Horse-riding the route
The John Muir Way was originally developed and is promoted primarily as a walking and cycling route, but also offers some great opportunities to explore Scotland’s heartland on horseback, including a variety of paths, tracks and quiet roads.
The notes which follow offer suggestions on the most suitable sections of the route for horse riding, but please note that none of the route is specifically promoted for horse riding, nor have special provisions been made for riders.
Horse riders interested in riding the full long distance route will need to identify their own alternatives for sections which are not currently passable with a horse, for which there may be no alternative but busy roads. Remember that you are responsible for deciding for yourself whether you and your horse have the skills and experience necessary to tackle any particular section of route.
As you will be sharing the John Muir Way with walkers and cyclists, all horse riders need to show respect for other route users, as well as land owners and managers. Courtesy, consideration of others’ needs and good communication are the key to sharing paths. Always pass others you meet along the trail at a walk, and elsewhere limit your pace to ground conditions and visibility. For further guidance on responsible riding visit
Where can I ride?
The British Horse Society (BHS) Scotland have produced an excellent report to help anyone interested in using part or all of the John Muir Way to identify location and brief details of features which may restrict multi-use of the waymarked walking and cycling route.